2 – Sunday September 14, 2014
John the Baptist
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Memorization questions:
- What are the names of St. John parents? Zechariah, Elizabeth.
- How many months St. John is older than Jesus Christ? 6 month
- How St. John was saved and was not killed among the children that King Herod killed? His father Zechariah carried him and ran to the alter and prayed to God. The angel of the lord came and carried St. John and placed him in the desert so King Herod soldiers could not find him.
- How St. John was dressed? His clothes were made of camel’s hair, with a leather belt around his waist.
- What was St. John food? Locusts and wild honey.
- What was St. John preaching about? People must confess their sins, repent, and must baptize.
- Who baptized Jesus? St. John
- What was St. John’s mission? To prepare for the coming of Jesus.
- Why King Herod ordered to kill St. John? King Herod married Herodias, the wife of his brother, which is against the law. St. John told King Herod that this marriage is unlawful. King Herod was very angry and placed St. John in prison. Herodias wanted to revenge from St. John, so she asked her daughter, whom King Herod like very much, to ask the king to offer her St. John’s head on a plate. Since King Herod promised her to give her whatever she wants, he fulfilled his promise and killed St. John.